Home > Artworks > Fernando Cristian Pérez

Photo of Fernando Cristian Pérez Argentina

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my comiensa with drawing 1996 Starting at winning a children's drawing contest berazategui Cultural Centre (1st place) that was made in my neighborhood I was taking 6 years to know that my life was a focus of pencil and paper .. . one of the qualities that today I can not stop for a second. in 1999 had the support of my parents so I could pursue the vocation that I loved so much and offered me to score in the cultural...

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my comiensa with drawing 1996 Starting at winning a children's drawing contest berazategui Cultural Centre (1st place) that was made in my neighborhood I was taking 6 years to know that my life was a focus of pencil and paper .. . one of the qualities that today I can not stop for a second. in 1999 had the support of my parents so I could pursue the vocation that I loved so much and offered me to score in the cultural center of berazategui. but not offered me not want to go alone wanted independisarme apart my old did not have the money needed for an to pay the course, just enough for me to support it receives from my old and my 9 brothers say 9 because we are now currently 11 brothers and this happened in 1999. and so with the passage of time I was leaving my vocation side ... Today I want to relive all this time of anguish that had not recourse to that course. so as soon as I got a high school ends laburo in an enterprise logistics and distribution and the days that I do not laburo drawing course at the cultural center of berazategui giving me proud to relive that feeling I felt years ago to study plastic arts. Today I share those pictures with Artelista that gives me the possibility to upload. thank them and thank you for your attention. * Fer * :)

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